Membership Obligations
- 01 July 2014 -
- Written by Developer
- Hits: 9137
Members shall enjoy such rights as shall from time to time be prescribed by the General Assembly, including:
(i) The right to fully participate in the activities of the Network;
(ii) The right to use and access facilities provided by the Network for members;
(iii) The right to express themselves without undue interference or influence by other members;
(iv) In the case of Ordinary and Associate Members, the right to stand or vote for elective positions on the Board of Directors, provided that they have complied with all appropriate requirements, including payment of all applicable membership and subscription fees;
(v) The right to withdraw their membership of the Network.
(b) Members shall have obligations to the Network as shall from time to time be prescribed by the General Assembly, including the following:
(i) To pay all prescribed fees;
(ii) To uphold and abide by this Constitution and any other bye-laws or regulations made hereunder;
(iii) To conduct themselves in manner that is not prejudicial to the interests or contrary to the objectives for which the Network has been established;
(iv) To express their opinions in a democratic, orderly and fair manner, having respect for the rights of other members;
(vi) To participate and contribute towards the activities and attainment of the Network's mission and objectives.